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Archprix 2024 Ceremony

zondag 16 juni, 11:00
Archprix 2024 Ceremony

Archiprix 2024 Ceremony – ‘Open Work’
Sunday 16 June 2024
11:00 – 13:00
Nieuwe Instituut – Rotterdam
Museumpark 25, 3015 CB


10.30 hrs    Doors open
11.00 hrs    Welcome
11.10 hrs     Introduction ‘The architect as public intellectual’ by Véronique Patteeuw
11.30 hrs     Archiprix 2024 Ceremony
13.00 hrs    End of program – drinks at foyer


During the program 27 graduation projects will be presented, with a selected few highlighted by the jury as exemplary and groundbreaking. Jury members will present the projects and conduct brief interviews with the designers on stage.

Véronique Patteeuw – associate professor at the ENSAP Lille, lecturer at the universities of KULeuven and EPFL Lausanne, and academic editor of OASE (journal for architecture) — will give a lecture that delves into the multifaceted role of architects, and how architecture and spatial constructs are intricately intertwined with broader societal issues and dilemmas.

The projects of Archiprix 2024 were reviewed by a jury consisting of: Sereh Mandias, Jeroen van Mechelen, Aura Luz Melis, Wouter Pocornie and Paul Roncken. Together they represent the disciplines of Architecture, Urbanism, Interior- and Landscape Architecture and Theory/Research.


Archiprix 2024 Nominaties

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